Important Notes

  1. The Leapfrog Hospital Survey webpages are located at Please bookmark this URL.
  2. Note the word “hospital” used throughout this Survey refers to an individual hospital. If your hospital is part of a multi-hospital health care system or a multi-campus hospital, you will need to complete the Survey for each individual hospital. Please refer to Leapfrog’s Multi-Campus Hospital Reporting Policy.
  3. To submit a Survey via the Online Hospital Survey Tool, hospitals are required to complete and affirm the following six sections: Section 1: Patient Rights and Ethics, Section 2: Medication Safety, Section 4: Maternity Care, Section 5: Physician and Nurse Staffing, Section 6: Patient Safety Practices, and Section 7: Managing Serious Errors. However, hospitals are urged to submit all sections of the Survey and can indicate within a section if a measure does not apply. Hospitals that would like to be eligible for Top Hospital must submit all sections of the Survey.
  4. Adult and general hospitals that indicate they have a  Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE) system in at least one inpatient unit are asked to demonstrate, via a test, that the inpatient CPOE system can alert prescribers to at least 60% of frequent serious medication errors known to cause harm to patients. Hospitals will have access to the CPOE Evaluation Tool immediately after completing the Hospital Profile in the Online Hospital Survey Tool. Hospitals cannot submit the Survey, including results from the Adult Inpatient CPOE Test until all the following Survey sections have been completed and affirmed: Section 1: Patient Rights and Ethics, Section 2: Medication Safety, Section 4: Maternity Care, Section 5: Physician and Nurse Staffing, Section 6: Patient Safety Practices, and Section 7: Managing Serious Errors. Hospitals are urged to ensure that the Adult Inpatient CPOE Test is submitted along with the Survey (i.e., in the same month) to meet the deadlines for the Leapfrog Hospital Survey and Leapfrog’s other programs such as Top Hospital and the Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade.
  5. Adult and pediatric hospitals reporting on Section 7B: Healthcare-Associated Infections are required to join Leapfrog’s NHSN Group. Information about teaching status will also be pulled directly from NHSN. More information, including important deadlines, is available on the Join NHSN Group webpage.
  6. Leapfrog Hospital Survey Results will be available on the Hospital Details Page beginning July 12 and publicly reported on the public reporting website on July 25 for hospitals that submit a Survey by the June 30 Submission Deadline. After July, the Hospital Details Page and public reporting website will be refreshed monthly within the first seven (7) business days of each month to reflect Surveys submitted or resubmitted between July 1 and November 30 and previously submitted Surveys that were corrected between December 1 and January 31. Survey Results are frozen from February to July 25.
  7. All questions regarding the Leapfrog Hospital Survey should be submitted to the Help Desk at Questions submitted to the Help Desk will receive a response within 1-2 business days (see Help Desk Holiday Schedule for planned closures).
  8. For hospitals that would like Leapfrog Hospital Survey Results included in their Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, please visit the “For Hospitals” section of the Hospital Safety Grade website for important information on Data Snapshot Dates. A Leapfrog Hospital Survey must be submitted by the Data Snapshot Date for Survey data to be used in the Hospital Safety Grade.
  9. Leapfrog is committed to verifying the accuracy of Leapfrog Hospital Survey Results. Please review the information on the Data Accuracy webpage.
  10. The Submission Deadline for the 2025 Leapfrog Hospital Survey is June 30, 2025, and the Late Submission and Performance Update Deadline is November 30, 2025. Hospitals that do not submit a Survey or CPOE Evaluation Tool (adult and general hospitals only) before 11:59 pm Eastern Time on November 30, 2025, will have to wait until the launch of the 2026 Leapfrog Hospital Survey on April 1, 2026 to submit a Survey.


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