News and Events

August 10, 2013
President and CEO Leah Binder defends the methodology of the Hidden Surcharge Calculator, noting purchasers have a right to know how much errors are costing them when their employees visit the hospital.
July 26, 2013
In a presentation yesterday evening, Leah Binder unveiled a new tool that allows purchasers to calculate how much they spend annually on unnecessary costs due to medical errors.
June 23, 2013
Leapfrog remains concerned about the lack of clarity in addressing the significant gap in the public reporting of hospital-acquired conditions, the frequency in which some of the measure sets are refreshed on the Hospital Compare website, and the lack of measures that focus on common and serious medical errors such as medication errors.
June 21, 2013
"Thirty-two health systems are designated by CMS as "Pioneer Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs). Here's my definition of a pioneer: Laura Ingalls Wilder, author of the Little House on the Prairie series of books, and one of my heroes..."
June 5, 2013
To give health care consumers more information about hospital safety performance, Aetna announced today that it will include The Leapfrog Group's Hospital Safety Scores in its online hospital directory.
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