WASHINGTON, May 11, 2021-- Today, every hospital and ASC across the country received a letter signed by four influential national employer groups—the Health Transformation Alliance, ERISA Industry Committee, National Alliance of Health Care Purchaser Coalitions, and the Business Group on Health—requesting their participation in the annual Leapfrog Hospital Survey and Leapfrog Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Survey.
The organizations represent in total over 12,000 employers with more than 55 million lives. Their collective voice as purchasers sends a strong signal to the health care market of their expectation for high quality, safe care.
“As organizations that speak out for America’s employers, who invest significantly in the health and well-being of employees, we feel that participation in Leapfrog Surveys is vital to achieving real progress towards a safer, higher-quality, more transparent health care system for all,” said Ellen Kelsay, President and CEO of Business Group on Health.
“Our members look forward to consulting results from the Leapfrog Hospital and ASC Surveys to help employees make important decisions about their health care and to inform benefit designs and contracting,” said Lee Lewis, Chief Strategy Officer and GM Medical of Health Transformation Alliance. “Leapfrog gives us critical data on quality and safety employers cannot get anywhere else.”
The Leapfrog Hospital Survey and the Leapfrog ASC Survey are employer-driven initiatives to collect important information on quality and safety not available from other sources. The Surveys ask hospitals and ASCs about their performance on measures of key importance to employers, like rates of C-sections, never events, pediatrics, practices to prevent medication errors and safety of common surgical procedures. Leapfrog, an independent, employer-driven nonprofit, works with national experts to ensure the use of nationally standardized, evidence-based measures of health care performance and extensively verifies the data submitted before making it publicly available on its website.
Results from the 2021 Surveys will be publicly available this summer; current Survey results can be found at www.ratings.leapfroggroup.org. Free tools for employers, including Leapfrog’s innovative Lives and Dollars Lost Calculator, are available at www.leapfroggroup.org/employers.
View the letter sent to hospitals here and the letter sent to ASCs here.
About The Leapfrog Group
Founded in 2000 by large employers and other purchasers, The Leapfrog Group is a national nonprofit organization driving a movement for giant leaps forward in the quality and safety of American health care. The flagship Leapfrog Hospital Survey and new Leapfrog Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) Survey collect and transparently report hospital and ASC performance, empowering purchasers to find the highest-value care and giving consumers the lifesaving information they need to make informed decisions. The Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grade, Leapfrog’s other main initiative, assigns letter grades to hospitals based on their record of patient safety, helping consumers protect themselves and their families from errors, injuries, accidents and infections.