- The Leapfrog ASC Survey is for ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) and is not applicable to hospital outpatient departments (HOPDs). Most ambulatory surgery centers are certified by Medicare and assigned a 10-digit CMS Certification Number (nn-Cnnnnnnn). Surgery centers that operate as an outpatient department of a hospital and share a CMS Certification Number (nn-nnnn) with a hospital should submit a 2025 Leapfrog Hospital Survey. If you have questions about which Survey to submit, please contact the Leapfrog Help Desk.
- To participate in the Leapfrog ASC Survey, ASCs must currently be performing procedures in one or more of the following specialties: Ophthalmology, Orthopedics, Otolaryngology, Gastroenterology, General Surgery, Urology, Neurological Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, or Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
To ensure adequate reporting, facilities must be open and performing the procedures included in Section 3A and/or 3B for a minimum of one calendar year (i.e., CY2024). New facilities that only perform total knee or total hip replacement procedures or that only perform bariatric surgery for weight loss, may wait 18 months before reporting. After completing and submitting the Profile, please contact the Help Desk with information regarding the procedures performed by your facility and with any questions.
- ASCs reporting on Section 4B: NHSN Outpatient Procedure Component Module are required to join Leapfrog’s NHSN Group. More information, including instructions and important deadlines, is available on the Join NHSN Group page.
Leapfrog ASC Survey Results will be available on the ASC Details Page beginning July 12 and publicly reported on our public reporting website on July 25. After July, the ASC Details Page and public reporting website will be refreshed monthly within the first seven (7) business days of each month to reflect Surveys submitted or resubmitted between July 1 and November 30 and previously submitted Surveys corrected before January 31. Survey Results are frozen from February to July 25.
All questions regarding the Leapfrog ASC Survey should be submitted to the Help Desk at https://leapfroghelpdesk.zendesk.com. Questions submitted to the Help Desk will receive a response within 1-2 business days (see Help Desk Holiday Schedule on the Get Help webpage for planned closures).
- Leapfrog is committed to verifying the accuracy of Leapfrog ASC Survey Results. Please review the information on the Data Accuracy page.
The Submission Deadline for the 2025 Leapfrog ASC Survey is June 30, 2025, and the Late Submission and Performance Update Deadline is November 30, 2025. ASCs that do not submit a Survey before 11:59 pm Eastern Time on November 30, 2025, will have to wait until the launch of the 2026 Leapfrog ASC Survey on April 1, 2026.