Annual Meeting

2023 Leapfrog Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner | December 5, 2023


The 2023 Leapfrog Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner was on December 5, 2023 in Washington, D.C. This year's theme, “The Next Leaps in Patient Safety” focused on innovation and the future of patient safety in America’s health care system. Hundreds of people are dying every day due to preventable medical errors in hospitals and this must change. The meeting brought together stakeholders from all sides of health care – employers, policymakers, hospital and ASC leaders, patient advocates, and other industry partners – to discuss how we can all work together to transform the field of patient safety in American health care. December 5 was also Leapfrog Giving Day in support of the Judie Burrows Education Institute.

Watch the Meeting Programming

Leah Binder Opening Remarks

The theme for Leapfrog’s 2023 Annual Meeting was The Next Leaps in Patient Safety. Leapfrog President and CEO Leah Binder talked about Leapfrog’s founding and history and how we’re working toward our next giant leaps for mankind: saving lives, preventing needless suffering, and bringing about the promise of our country’s extraordinary capacity to deliver excellent health care.


Opening Keynote: The State of Patient Safety

At the Leapfrog Group Annual Meeting, key advisor to President Biden on patient safety Joe Kiani shared his own patient story and spoke about the importance of bringing federal policy to the table and taking accountability to the national level.


What Patients and Employers Expect for Patient Safety

Moderated by Leapfrog President and CEO Leah Binder, panelists Krista Hughes, BCPA; Sue Sheridan, MBA, MIM, DHL; Robert Otto Valdez, PhD, MHSA, Sally Welborn; and Barbara Wentworth, PhD, shared thoughts on what should be expected of patient safety: Quality and safety data should meet expectations, informed decision-making is paramount, and safety is the most important investment that can be made.


Steven Schroeder Award for Outstanding Healthcare CEO Presentation

Costs of Care's Fumiko Chino, MD presents the Steven Schroeder Award for Outstanding Healthcare CEO, in partnership with Leapfrog.


Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Spike: Is It Over?

In a discussion led by Karen van Caulil, PhD, panelists Lee Fleischer, MD, MS, CIC; Stephanie Taylor, MD, March; Rebecca Bartles, DrPH, CIC, FAPIC; and Shaunte Walton, MS, CIC, FAPIC, talked about the welcome drop in healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), what caused the sharp increase, and how we can maintain the downward trend.


Closing Keynote: The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Health Care

David W. Bates M.D., M.Sc., internationally known leader of health care technology and patient safety, described various types of artificial intelligence (AI) and where AI has made a difference already as well as the opportunities for improving patients safety using AI and technology.


Supplementary Materials

  • View the Program here.
  • View the Annual Meeting slides here
  • View the Award Dinner slides here.
  • For more information about the National Action Alliance to Advance Patient and Workforce Safety click here.



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