Choose a safer hospital.
Some patients think that selecting a doctor is the only choice they get to make. But choosing a hospital could be even more important. Hospitals vary greatly on things like infection rates, surgical errors, and patient injuries.
Your first step in finding the best care for yourself and your family is finding a safer hospital.

Find the right one for you.
Now that you’ve found a safe hospital or surgery center, it’s also important to think about what type of care you might need. Are you getting ready to have a baby? Do you need to find a hospital or surgery center for surgery?
The information we collect from hospitals and surgery centers can help you make the right choice.
Protect yourself.
Even in the best hospitals, mistakes still happen, and people get hurt. But patients and their loved ones can play an important role in ensuring a safer hospital stay.

Preparing for Your Procedure Patient Education Video Series
Going into the hospital can be a daunting task, but preparation is key. Do your research with the Hospital Safety Grade and be an engaged patient with these helpful resources from the Judie Burrows Education Institute.
Working on your behalf.
For over 20 years, The Leapfrog Group has collected and reported information about American health care to help people make the best choices about their care. Leapfrog asks hospitals and surgery centers to share the information people deserve to know, including their performance on maternity care, nursing, and steps they follow to keep patients safe.
Over 2,000 hospitals and surgery centers provide this critical information, but some decline to respond to our annual Surveys. If your hospital or ASC does not report to the Leapfrog Surveys, ask them why not.