Founded in 2006, Seal Shield is the inventor of the world’s first dishwasher-safe keyboard and mouse. Today, Seal Shield is the world leader in innovation, development, and manufacturing of industrial-grade solutions, including waterproof keyboards and mice, UV resistant multilayer screen protectors, advanced polymer materials, and UV-C Sanitization Systems for portable devices & equipment. Learn more at
Fast and simple UV sanitizer proven to inactivate 99.995% of SARS-CoV-2 while enabling proper hand hygiene. 20 Second sanitization Cycle. No Training Required. | The ElectroClave offers a smart, simple and convenient solution for the sanitization of high-touch devices including cell phones, iPads, tablets and other hard, non-porous items. | Cleanwipe Pro Waterproof Keyboards from Seal Shield. Washable and waterproof keyboard & compatible with industrial-grade cleaners. Three Ergonomic Positions allows keyboard angle for optimal comfort. |
Seal Shield Washable, Waterproof Mice are designed to withstand > industrial-grade disinfectants and cleaners. A natural design stands > up to frequent and vigorous cleaning. | Clean Seal Screen Protectors are UV-resistant and designed to withstand industrial-grade disinfectants without damage to electronics. Screen Protectors are custom-cut to fit any screen size. |