News and Events

January 15, 2014
Leah Binder's office response to the Journal of Hospital Medicine article, "Hospital patient safety grades may misrepresent hospital performance."
December 4, 2013
The winners of the Hospital Website Transparency Awards Program promote transparency of safety and quality measures in a manner that is useful and user-friendly for consumers.
December 3, 2013
The Leapfrog Group announced its list of Top Hospitals at its Annual Meeting today, highlighting the diversity of hospitals represented nationwide. Widely cited as the nation's most competitive hospital quality award, the Top Hospitals designation recognizes hospitals that deliver the highest quality care.
November 15, 2013
The Leapfrog Group is asking hospitals to comment on a proposed addition to the Maternity Care section of the 2014 Leapfrog Hospital Survey.
November 13, 2013
The Leapfrog Group is proposing to add a measure of a hospital's nulliparous term singleton vertex (NTSV) cesarean section delivery rate to the Maternity Care section of the 2014 Leapfrog Hospital Survey.
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