News and Events
June 20, 2016
DHG Healthcare will conduct on-site verification of the Leapfrog Hospital Survey, building on Leapfrog's existing data review program and further enhancing the integrity of the data.
June 9, 2016
20% of hospitals fail to comply with Leapfrog's standard on managing "Never Events," serious incidents that include leaving objects inside patients after surgery, dangerous medication errors and other (often fatal) events.
May 31, 2016
New 2016 members of the Leapfrog Hospital Advisory Committee will advise Leapfrog’s Board and management on trends in the hospital industry affecting hospital quality, safety, and efficiency.
May 18, 2016
In an unprecedented move, four national health plans and one regional plan have signed a joint letter urging hospitals to be more transparent.
May 12, 2016
In response to the article published this week in the journal Medical Care, The Leapfrog Group would like to clarify the measures used in the Hospital Safety Score and how these measures relate to the study’s findings.