ASC Survey Login and Materials

The annual Leapfrog ASC Survey is free and open to ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs) from April 1 to November 30. The Survey assesses the safety and quality of ASCs based on national, evidence-based measures that are of specific interest to employers, health care purchasers, and consumers. Survey Results are publicly reported and provide ASCs with information to benchmark their progress in improving the care they deliver.

Prepare to Submit an ASC Survey

The 2025 Leapfrog ASC Survey opens on April 1. Please review the information on these pages before you begin. These resources will help you to successfully complete the submission process. 



Get Started

Request a security code, join Leapfrog's NHSN Group, and download the ASC Survey Overview.

Learn more


View important deadlines related to the submitting the ASC Survey and joining Leapfrog's NHSN Group.

Learn more

Survey Materials

Download a hard copy of the Survey and supporting materials that you will need to complete the Online ASC Survey Tool.

Learn More

Looking for More Information?

Have a question about the Leapfrog ASC Survey? Interested in a 1:1 orientation to the Survey?

Register for a Free Town Hall Call Contact the Help Desk

Employers Value ASCs

The annual Leapfrog ASC Survey assesses the safety and quality of ASCs based on national, evidence-based measures that are of specific interest to employers, health care purchasers, and consumers. This is data employers can’t find anywhere else. Survey participation gives ASCs a true competitive edge and provides credibility, transparency, and accountability. 

Get Started On Your Survey

Case Study on Leapfrog ASC Survey

Leapfrog interviewed Coronado Surgery Center Owner and Medical Director Dr. Mike Crovetti on how the Leapfrog ASC Survey provides credibility through accountablity.

Read the Case Study

Innovators for Leapfrog

Innovators for Leapfrog (IFL) support Leapfrog’s mission to make "giant leaps for patient safety.” While The Leapfrog Group does not endorse the products, services, and/or technology showcased in the IFL, we encourage you to explore these offerings that support Leapfrog’s work.

Learn more about Innovators for Leapfrog
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